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Meet Our Instructors
We have our Instructors listed in alphabetical order by County & First Name
We are in the process of updating this to list each of our instructors, please be patient and you will get to meet them all soon!
Pam Stephens
Bladen County Coordinator & Lead Teacher
Classroom & Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3370
Classroom & Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3370
Barbara Garmon
CHCCS & Person County Coordinator & Lead Teacher
Classroom & Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #1904
Classroom & Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #1904
Eric Kronhaus
CHCCS Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3802
NCDMV Instructor License: #3802
Harold Fleming
CHCCS Classroom & Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #2177
NCDMV Instructor License: #2177
Gerald Morehead
CHCCS Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License:
NCDMV Instructor License:
Jordan Richmond
CHCCS Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #4078
NCDMV Instructor License: #4078
Kelly Fox
CHCCS Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #4085
NCDMV Instructor License: #4085
Lanita Wimberly
CHCCS Classroom Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #4082
NCDMV Instructor License: #4082
Michelle Pruitt
CHCCS Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3413
NCDMV Instructor License: #3413
Alvin Parker
Craven County Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3722
NCDMV Instructor License: #3722
Anthony Calise
Craven County Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3331
NCDMV Instructor License: #3331
Barry Valicek
Craven County Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3133
NCDMV Instructor License: #3133
Bobby Curlings
Craven County Classroom & Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License #2126
NCDMV Instructor License #2126
Cameron Curlings
Craven County Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3500
NCDMV Instructor License: #3500
Doneal Richards
Craven County Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #4075
NCDMV Instructor License: #4075
Eddie Riggs
Craven County Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3043
NCDMV Instructor License: #3043
Jeb Lamm
Craven County Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3505
NCDMV Instructor License: #3505
Jorge Benitez
Craven County Classroom & Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #2423
NCDMV Instructor License: #2423
Anginetta Newton
Lenoir County Classroom Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3618
NCDMV Instructor License: #3618
Chris Davenport
Lenoir County Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3781
NCDMV Instructor License: #3781
Chris Radford
Lenoir County Classroom & Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3193
NCDMV Instructor License: #3193
Scott Radford
Lenoir County Classroom & Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #2927
NCDMV Instructor License: #2927
Heather Ritter
Franklin County Classroom & Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License : #3039
NCDMV Instructor License : #3039
Joseph Kutsop
Franklin County Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #3484
NCDMV Instructor License: #3484
Terry Moore
Franklin County Driving Instructor
NCDMV Instructor License: #2344
NCDMV Instructor License: #2344
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